(305) 929 3847
This course will deal with and help with establishing training and the selection process of the people who will protect and defend your establishment if necessary. Houses of worship of any religion, hotels, schools, colleges/universities, and businesses!
The class concepts will include but are not limited to:
-The history of active shootings
-Best practices
-Setting up physical security and technology
-Profiling basics
-Emergency Medical Management
-Personal protective details for High Visibility and VIP’s
-Safe gun handling
-The EDGE PROGRAM (Early Detection and Gun Education)
-Developing a plan of action
-Training of staff and how to engage them
-SOP Development (Standard Operating Procedures)
-Communicating with First Responders
-Effective Barricade skills and drills
-Martial Arts defensive tactics
This is a 16 hour course designed for anyone tasked with protecting your establishment.